Monday, February 18, 2008

The Power of Family

God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. - Genesis 1:27

This from Dennis and Barbara Rainey's Moments With You:

I believe there is nothing more powerful on Earth than family. It is the single most influential force for good (or for evil) in all human existence.

From birth, it marks you. Your family crafts your conscience and shapes your soul. At home you learn life’s lessons and begin the art of practicing them. At home you learn to love and to do what’s right. More than merely giving you a street address, your home and family imprint you with a spiritual and sexual identity shaped by the two people who gave you life. Truly, nothing
compares to the strength of being tightly wrapped in the protective fiber of family. It’s who you are. It’s where you belong.

And if all goes well—as it should—it is your family that surrounds you when you start life’s journey, when you face life’s hardest trials, when you go through the valleys and when you die. More than anyone else, the members of your family are the ones who are there for you, caring for you and mourning the loss of you when you’re gone.

This should come as no surprise, because God created the family. At the very dawn of time, “God created man in His own image, . . . male and female He created them.” Of all the ways He could have chosen to inaugurate His creation, He chose to start with family. In fact, the Bible begins with a marriage in Genesis and ends with a marriage in Revelation. Marriage and family have always been central to what God is doing on planet Earth.

I believe family is still of utmost importance to our heavenly Father. It holds the key to our health, our success as a society, and our future. And I believe it is worth whatever effort is required to nurture, encourage and support it.

Why not celebrate the family God has given you today?

Book Description (
What is the true secret to spiritual growth for couples? Dennis and Barbara Rainey know from experience that the secret is more moments together. When you are lifting up your relationship and the rest of your life together to God, you won t be able to keep the spiritual growth from happening. In the pages of Moments With You: 365-Day Devotional, the Raineys offer just what couples need to get started or to continue growing in their quiet times together. These short but poignant biblical devotions are enjoyable and easy to use, providing a daily discussion point, prayer and Scripture reference. Married couples desiring a deeper spiritual connection with God and their spouse will come to treasure their time spent over Moments With You. For married couples of all ages and at all stages of life.

About the Author
Dennis Rainey is the executive director and cofounder of FamilyLife, a division of Campus Crusade for Christ. Dennis and his wife, Barbara, have spoken at FamilyLife conferences across the United States and around the world. Dennis serves as the daily host of the radio program FamilyLife Today, where Barbara is a frequent guest. Dennis and Barbara have written several books. Both agree that their proudest achievement is their six children (with three more woven in through marriage) and two grandchildren.

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