Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Getting to the End of Yourself

Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. - 2 Peter 3:18

This from Charles F. Stanley's God's Way Day by Day:

Spiritual growth is a process. There is an order. Lessons must be learned before other lessons can be assimilated....

I don't know where you are in the process, but God does. He is engineering your circumstances with a definite result in mind. Part of His plan is to bring you to the end of yourself, to a point of desperation where you get so sick of yourself and your inability to change that you throw up your hands in surrender. When that happens, you are closer than you have ever been to knowing the joy of the Spirit-filled life.

Internationally-acclaimed author and preacher Charles Stanley adds to his impressive legacy with a year's worth of devotionals drawn from his previous writings including best-sellers Success God's Way, Seeking His Face, and Enter His Gates. This best-selling devotional is loaded with life-changing thoughts and beautiful four-color illustrations. Divided into twelve months but not dated for a specific year, this book promises to become a perennial favorite. - Amazon.com

Get a copy of God's Way Day by Day now!

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